Signage for the Expo is complete

Signage for the Expo is complete

The Sydney Ev Expo is one day away! Signage for the venue is almost done, can’t wait to install tomorrow. So you don’t get lost check out the expo location on the website, you’ll know you’re at the expo when you see our signs.
Expo Website has been moved to WordPress Engine

Expo Website has been moved to WordPress Engine

We had several reports of the EV expo website not loading due to high demand on the web hosting server. That is not great news for the site but fantastic news for the Expo attendances.  We have just completed migrating the website to WordPress Engine; there scalable...
Try Drive Schedule Announced

Try Drive Schedule Announced

Jump into an electric car and experience the electric difference. Over two days the Expo will have over a dozen Electric Cars on our test track for the public to ride in or drive. The cars on the track range from the new Tesla Model 3, the new Nissan Leaf and, Hyundai...

AEVA Sydney Electric Vehicle Expo 2019

Dates Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th October 2019 Time Main Event 10:00am – 4:30pm Try-drive 10:30am – 4:00pm Location Sydney Olympic Park, Sydney Showground Attractions Test drives and rides on public roads in the Olympic Park Precinct Consumer talks and Q&A...